ISO 14001 Certification

In September 2022, Italy Water Group obtained the UNI EN ISO 14001 certification. A symbolic recognition of our environmental commitment.

The environmental provisions dealt with in this series of standards are very sensitive issues for the our company and similar to our industrial processes, and it is for this reason that we are particularly proud of this important recognition that rewards our constant work in environmental protection.

The legislation provides for a series of detailed points, between general guidelines, environmental audits, environmental product labeling, environmental performance, product life cycle assessment and more.What characterizes the requirements of this ISO is that they do not constitute any type of legislative obligation, but their application is to the will of the companies.


Environmental Sustainability

The concept of sustainability is increasingly at the center of attention today, especially in companies and businesses.
The idea of ​​sustainability, for individuals as well as for companies, translates into a commitment not only to reduce our impact on the planet, but also for people's social and economic well-being.

Let's start by analyzing the meaning of the word "sustainability": it indicates an approach that aims to satisfy the needs of today's generations without compromising the possibility of future generations.

Italy Water Group is among the companies that have made this vision of sustainable development their own, with actions and projects that focus now on creating concrete solutions for the future.

The global nature of the Covid-19 crisis reminds us, once again, that we are all inhabitants of the same planet, and that it must be recognized that events in one part of the world can affect all others.

Sustainable Products

A reverse osmosis system is a convenient investment for the present and for the future, because it allows you to exploit the city's water resources and protect nature from a material considered by many, rightly or wrongly, to be extremely dangerous such as plastic. Added to this is the environmental impact of the entire bottled water distribution and transport chain.

A water softener offers an improvement in terms of energy efficiency.Calcium Carbonate , in the domestic environment, it is deposited in systems creating incrustations that undermine the energy efficiency and cleaning capacity of washing machines and dishwashers.In the industrial environment, let's think of the electricity savings that could be obtained by improving energy efficiency in series or large scale.


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